Are there things I should do to Prepare for an Uncontested Divorce in Virginia?

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Are there things I should do to Prepare for an Uncontested Divorce in Virginia?

May 21 2018
By Faye Carroll

An uncontested divorce in Virginia is relatively simple.  If you and your spouse can come to an agreement on all the major issues in your case, such as custody or parenting time with your children, the division of marital property, and all child and/or spousal support matters, this will significantly help you to obtain a divorce without the emotional trauma and expense of a contested court case.  This agreement needs to be in writing, and should spell out all the details of your impending separation and divorce.

If both you and your husband or wife can come to a verbal agreement, our attorneys at Virginia Family Law Center, PC can draft the legal paperwork to put it all in the documents that will be filed with the court.  The agreement will then get incorporated into the Final Decree of Divorce. So, the most important homework to do before calling us, is to talk calmly with your spouse about these matters, and try to come up with solutions that both of you (and your children, if any) can live with.

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